Is Prince Harry depressed by moving to the USA?
Angela Levin, a royal affairs expert, said she noted that since moving to California in the United States, Harry has been " a shadow of himself" , making it impossible to identify in his recent appearances the features of the prince he had met. For the author of the book Harry: Conversations with de Prince - includes exclusive access & interviews with prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex has not found "a place he could call his own".
For the biographer, the Duke of Sussex misses other members of the royal family such as his cousins and Queen Elizabeth. According to the British newspaper Daily Express, the author recalled that, in an interview, the prince declared that he adored the Queen and had not left the Royal Family before because he wanted to spare her. The relationship with the brother was also very close, although the personalities of the two are quite different.
Levin also notes that life in the United States has been doing Meghan Markle, who is flourishing, very well, while for her husband it has not been satisfactory. The Dukes of Sussex have been residing in California since March 2020, just before they officially abandoned their royal duties.